Pipe Marking Guide
Identification Colors
This is a comprehensive guide on identification pipe marking colours for the content of piping systems according to ISO 14726 standard, including single and multi-colour combinations for ships and marine industry.
A-SPE pipe markers are made to the latest standards and regulations required by customers and can be designed to comply with one of the following norms: ISO 14726:2008, BS-1710 / BS-4800, ANSI/ASME A13-1, TRGS-201, NBR 6493 or any other marine and industrial standard. The use of colour in the identification of pipes can be based on the following colour charts: RAL, Pantone or Munsell.

Apart from specific colour-coding which identifies a pipe medium and possible hazards related to that substance, pipe labels can be equipped with additional information, including flow direction, secondary language, system code, system description, line numbers or QR codes. The font type and the letter height are another requirements, next to the colours, that need to be taken into account, so that the written identification of the content is clearly visible and legible. The height of text characters should correspond to the appropriate pipe outside diameter. The recommended pipe marker dimensions for most popular nominal pipe sizes can be further found in our Pipe Marking Dimension Table below.
Basic Identification Tapes
(acc. to ISO 14726:2008)

Multi-Colour Permutations (acc. to ISO 14726:2008)

Design and Dimensions
The below table shows recommended pipe marker dimensions for most popular nominal pipe sizes. Each marker length comes with suitable font and arrow sizes. The sizes include a minimum 30mm overlap, however they do not include any additional pipe coatings like insulation etc.
Information about insulation thickness or other coatings should be provided with other details necessary for the quotation.
Installation Tips
Important: During application the tape should overlap 3-4 cm
Properly installed markers serve for many years and improve the level of occupational safety, helping to reduce the amount of downtime and accidents. The positioning of pipe marking must make it possible for personnel to identify the pipeline from the point of normal approach.

According to the ISO 14726:2008 regulation, the following points should be considered during the installation of pipe markers:
- Markers should be installed within a 3-5m distance between each marking point on a horizontal and vertical pipeline. Branched pipes or close proximity to pipes carrying different media may require a more frequent marking.
- In case of valves, markers should be installed at a distance of approx. 75mm from the corresponding flange.
- Markers should be mounted at all penetration points in walls, bulkheads or decks.
- Markers should be installed on each side of the pipe branch.
- In case of a vertical piping system, markers should be applied at a height of approx. 170cm to ensure good visibility.
The exact estimation of the quantity of markers and installation points is determined at the stage of material preparation. A-SPE specialists can offer you professional advice based on the provided pipeline scheme and detailed specifications.